Never, ever autoplay songs.
This is one of the things that I will be always pedantic about. You should never ever, under any circumstance play music.
Firstly, it’s just annoying.
When I come onto your site I should be able to expect that my device won’t play music. When I go onto your site, I am signing up for your website being quiet. I should not have to listen to an .mp3 file when I load your site, it should be optional.
Secondly, it can cause awkwardness.
If the person is in public looking at your site and music just starts blaring out of their phone, it will be very embarrassing for them.
Thirdly, it can make weird things happen on some computers.
By default, some operating systems play and pause the last piece of content that started when the play and pause button is pressed. I want to be able to pause another audio source E.g. Spotify, not your website.